Editorial to the second issue of International Journal of Medical Device and Adjuvant Treatments (IJMDAT)
IJMDAT 2018; 1 (2) : e172
Category: Editorial
We are honored to present the second issue of the International Journal of Medical Device and Adjuvant Treatments which publishes seven studies in various fields. The first one, by Sathe et al., describes two cases where Extracorporeal Cytokine Adsorption Device (ECAD) is used as treatment for sepsis induced by a snake bite. This innovative tool along with standard of care seems to be a promising and safe treatment to stabilize and recover snakebite inducing sepsis with multi organ failure. The second article by Menichini et al., critically reviewed treatments with natural molecules in rodent model high fat diet (HFD) induced obesity, in order to evaluate the metabolic profile and cardiovascular risk. The authors demonstrate that some natural interventions could improve health conditions in this obese rodent model. They suggest investigating the efficacy and safety of such treatments in the obese population to reduce the impact of metabolic changes. This might help avoiding the development in offspring of metabolic and cardiovascular disorders later in life. The paper by Neri et al. compares fetal heart rate in black and Caucasian pregnant women by computerized Non-Stress Test (NST). The authors report that the fetal heart rate of fetuses of black women significantly differed respect to the others although the acid-base status in spontaneously delivered newborns did not differ. The hypothesis is that NST values could be linked to a condition of prolonged pregnancy rather than a real distress. The clinical implication is to be aware of such phenomenon, in order to avoid a wrong interpretation of NST, which allows to increased rate of emergent caesarean section. The fourth article explores the use of a combination of myo-inositol (MI) and selenium (Se) in the prevention of subclinical hypothyroidism during pregnancy. Porcaro and Angelozzi evaluated the subclinical fluctuations of thyroid hormones throughout pregnancy and reported how combined treatment, MI + Se, is effective in maintaining the values of the thyroid hormones in the normal range, thus preventing subclinical hypothyroidism. In another research, Ferrari et al., by using the same combination (MI + Se), reported an improvement of thyroid-stimulating hormone and antithyroid autoantibodies levels respect to baseline. Moreover, the authors observed also a reduction of CXCL10 levels, therefore establishing an immune-modulatory effect by MI + Se. In the sixth article by Nepa, the link between polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and thyroid diseases is examined in depth. These two disorders are very common in the female population worldwide and some aspects may overlap. In this review the pathophysiology of both conditions and their treatments are examined. The last study, by Le Donne et al. describes an unusual case of multiple and bilateral metachronous ovarian teratomas with a co-existing PCOS. It shows how MI + D-chiro-inositol in a ratio 40:1, a standard treatment, improves the serum baseline hormones and oral glucose tolerance test-stimulated insulin values. We thank our editorial board team, reviewers and authors for their fundamental contribution to the second release of the Journal.
To cite this article
Editorial to the second issue of International Journal of Medical Device and Adjuvant Treatments (IJMDAT)
IJMDAT 2018; 1 (2) : e172
Publication History
Submission date: 15 Oct 2018
Revised on: 17 Oct 2018
Accepted on: 19 Oct 2018
Published online: 30 Oct 2018

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