Boswellia, inositol and betaine in the treatment of fibroadenoma: a case study
IJMDAT 2020;
: e237
DOI: 10.32113/ijmdat_20205_237
Topic: Oncology
Category: Case report
OBJECTIVE: Nowadays, no completely side effect-free therapeutic approach for mammary fibroadenomas exists, considering that the election therapy is based on antiestrogens, as well as on surgery for more severe cases. Our aim was to identify an efficient and side effects free treatment, based on the association of myo-Inositol, boswellia and betaine.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: A 43-year-old woman, with a positive familiarity for mammary carcinoma, presented a benign fibroadenoma, with intra-lesional vascularization.
The patient was enrolled for a previous study to receive two oral capsules twice a day of an association of myo-Inositol, boswellia, betaine, group B vitamins and N-acetylcysteine for four months.
RESULTS: After four months of supplementation with myo-Inositol, boswellia, betaine, group B vitamins and N-acetylcysteine, the injury appeared highly modified at ultrasound examination, assuming the appearance of a cystic conglomerate and branched, a sign that the lesion is regressing and about to be reabsorbed. Interestingly, the injury also became free from intra-lesional vascularization. Although these benign modifications, the patient decided for surgery since she was afraid and anxious due to her familiarity for mammary carcinoma. An excisional biopsy was performed. Histological analysis reported benign histopathological contexts of the mammary gland affected by fibroadenoma.
CONCLUSIONS: Even though the patient requested surgery in any case, considering her familiarity with breast cancer, she underwent encouraging improvement only after some months of therapy with the association of myo-Inositol, boswellia, betaine, group B vitamins and N-acetylcysteine. Hence, in patients with fibroadenomas without a history of familiarity with breast tumors, the intake of this association is reasonable, as it could avoid resorting to surgery, causing the lesion to regress until it is largely reabsorbed.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: A 43-year-old woman, with a positive familiarity for mammary carcinoma, presented a benign fibroadenoma, with intra-lesional vascularization.
The patient was enrolled for a previous study to receive two oral capsules twice a day of an association of myo-Inositol, boswellia, betaine, group B vitamins and N-acetylcysteine for four months.
RESULTS: After four months of supplementation with myo-Inositol, boswellia, betaine, group B vitamins and N-acetylcysteine, the injury appeared highly modified at ultrasound examination, assuming the appearance of a cystic conglomerate and branched, a sign that the lesion is regressing and about to be reabsorbed. Interestingly, the injury also became free from intra-lesional vascularization. Although these benign modifications, the patient decided for surgery since she was afraid and anxious due to her familiarity for mammary carcinoma. An excisional biopsy was performed. Histological analysis reported benign histopathological contexts of the mammary gland affected by fibroadenoma.
CONCLUSIONS: Even though the patient requested surgery in any case, considering her familiarity with breast cancer, she underwent encouraging improvement only after some months of therapy with the association of myo-Inositol, boswellia, betaine, group B vitamins and N-acetylcysteine. Hence, in patients with fibroadenomas without a history of familiarity with breast tumors, the intake of this association is reasonable, as it could avoid resorting to surgery, causing the lesion to regress until it is largely reabsorbed.
To cite this article
Boswellia, inositol and betaine in the treatment of fibroadenoma: a case study
IJMDAT 2020;
: e237
DOI: 10.32113/ijmdat_20205_237
Publication History
Submission date: 10 Mar 2020
Revised on: 23 Mar 2020
Accepted on: 04 May 2020
Published online: 06 May 2020

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